Go2 Zero

GO2Zero is a game for decision makers who are active in energy transition on city level. The game supports experiencing and exploring the interdependencies between different stakeholders.
GO2Zero simulates a transition process towards sustainable energy. Multiple players, divided over different roles need to take actions to reduce energy consumption, increase sustainable production and make the district CO2 free. The players have the role of residents (tenants or home owners), the municipality, the grid operator, contractors, a housing corporation and a local energy company. Each player has its individual objectives and resources. Coordination and cooperation are key to success, however, who feels responsible and is going to initiate this process? And what are the effects? Can you succeed in making this district CO2 free?
The main objective of the game is to get a better understanding of the challenges of the transition process towards zero energy in cities and to provide an experiential space to explore different transition strategies. The target group of the game is professionals operating on district level – such as local governments, construction companies, network operators, (local) energy suppliers and citizens.
This game is developed as part of the EU project City-zen (more information here) and is successfully played in Amsterdam, Dubrovnik and with students in Tilburg.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 608702.
Geertje Bekebrede
Linda van Veen
Simon Tiemersma
Subject: Decision Making